2014年10月13日 星期一

Bluetooth Terminal 5.1013 發佈

add setup to option sent data append newline automatically.
change layout for android 4.0 up.

download at

3 則留言:

Sashko 提到...


Using your Bluetooth Terminal I have successfully created a connection to bluetootn device (HC-05 + arduino).

But using the example from "googlesamples/android-BluetootnChat" i can't connect to it.

Can you share corrected source code or explain how to solve the problem?

I using android studio, import sample - BluetootnChat, trying to connect (secure or unsecure) and receive "Unable to connect message" shortly, without prompting for entering password for bluetooth pairing.

Please help if u can. Thank's!

Jorge Gustavo 提到...

You need to change the UUID in BluetoothChatService to

private static final UUID MY_UUID_SECURE =

This is the the well-known SPP UUID.

That's all I had to do to make BluetoothChat app to work.

Unknown 提到...


Can you tell me in which order or format the sensor values are displaying while receiving data from device.?